8 Looks Like a Snowman

8 Looks Like a Snowman

This post is going to be about random things as random as the title for this post that happened during week 8. I know I’ve already written several posts about random things, but I just can’t help it. I treasure all the random moments in life and can’t help to share them with you all.

* My father sent me a picture of the back of a truck with his initials. Having my initials written on a truck is the level of fame I hope to achieve in the future. 

* I bought my twin sister a tapestry titled “The Great Wave of Pug” for her dorm room as a birthday present. Stay tuned for future posts of a picture of this tapestry.

* I bought myself a tapestry titled “Hidden Part of Icebergs”. If you’ve read some of my previous posts and know my love of ice creams, I think you could guess what this tapestry would look like. Stay tuned for a picture of this tapestry too! I can’t wait for them to arrive and I’m constantly updating my email inbox to check when it would be shipped.

* I thought I lost my one card (a card that lets you enter buildings or swipe in to eat at dining halls) but later found it inside my backpack. This is how unorganized my life is at the current moment.  

* I played broom ball for the first time and my body is so sore that my legs wail in pain every time I use the stairs.

* I made valentine cookies Canadianwriting review last week and I decorated one of the cookies by drawing an egg with limbs and a face on it. I don’t know why but I found a picture of it on my phone and thought it was funny. Any name suggestions?

I failed to reach my goal of 8 random things that happened this week. I hope you all enjoy your random moments and love them as much as I do.


An is a freshman from Japan who is thankful that Minneapolis has a direct flight from Tokyo. She loves animals, both stuffed and alive, and one of the hardest parts of packing for college for her was choosing which plushie to bring to Carleton or, sadly, leave at home. She is currently undecided about her major and is excited to explore new subjects.



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